Talk about TERRIBLE parenting! A 14-year-old South Dakota boy was recently arrested after he was caught driving drunk. The kicker? His dad, who was also intoxicated, was sitting in the passenger seat next to him!
After receiving reports that the young boy was driving, police pulled the two over and found that the boy's blood alcohol content level was more than twice the legal limit. The teen was arrested for driving under the influence, while his father was arrested on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and having an open alcohol container in a vehicle.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Mom arrested for DUI after driving to bar with eight kids in car
Wow…well, I think we've discovered the father of the year! Seriously though, I can't even believe this really happened. There are just so many things in this scenario that are horribly wrong. What kind of parent not only allows their kid to get drunk, but actually provides him with the alcohol and then pushes him to climb into the driver's seat! Did I mention that the kid is only 14?! I just CANNOT wrap my head around it.
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While I know some might say the boy was old enough to know better (and they would be right, to some extent), I personally put full blame on the father. I mean, I feel like most teenage boys in that position wouldn't be able to turn down the chance of driving a car or having a drink, especially when their own dad is the one egging them on. I just hope that this disturbing incident wasn't something that had occurred often…and that the kid is able to distance himself from his father so that it doesn't happen again in the future!
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