Quinoa__ has been one of my favorite cooking ingredients for over a year now. Ever since I discovered the health benefits of the South American seed (that's typically mistaken for a grain), I was in love. It's not every day that I can eat something that's delicious but also a "complete protein" and therefore quite good for me.
The other day I read about Chef Ray Garcia's love of quinoa and his signature quinoa salad with orange blossom vinaigrette. In one of my favorite ideas ever, he actually changes the veggies in this healthy dish based on what's in season. Well, I started looking around for other great quinoa salad recipes and found three super-easy healthy quinoa salad recipe videos that I know you'll fall in love with, too.
Readmore ¿Qué más? 3 delicious ways to enjoy South American quinoa
Red Lentils & Quinoa Salad
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcqWMYB7310
Mexican Quinoa Salad
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VhfWjV1k8o
Super Healthy Quinoa Salad
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4gipFmgt04
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what do you put in your quinoa dishes? Will you be making any of these ones in the videos here? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via Whole Living