Now you can buy Cinderella’s gorgeous heels!

When I was a little girl, I was pretty obsessed with Disney movies and Cinderella was definitely one of my favorites. I always loved the story of the poor girl that becomes the princess but, even more than that, I loved that the story included a happy ending courtesy of some pretty rockin' glass slippers. I guess you could say that my current obsession with shoes started the moment that Disney's Cinderella lost her beloved shoe on the grand staircase of the palace. In fact, I once bought a pair of super-sparkly heels in college that, to this day, I still call my "Cinderella shoes".

Well, it seems that famed shoe designer Christian Louboutin heard my wish and actually designed the most gorgeous Cinderella heels that you could ever imagine—all in honor of the Disney movie's Diamond edition coming out later this year.

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Okay, I don't know how much these babies are going to cost and, well, Louboutins are NOT cheap (did you hear the Jennifer Lopez song about them?) but I still want them. The little girl inside me who used to be obsessed with Disney movies all through my childhood is DEFINITELY wanting these, too. Maybe I can justify the purchase by saying that I'll wear them for Halloween?

Well, maybe not Halloween. I bet they're too expensive for that. I'll have to find an occasion, though, because the butterfly images, lace detailing and Swarovski crystals are calling to me. I even love what the designer said about the glass slippers he created: "I have been so lucky to have crossed paths with Cinderella, an icon who is so emblematic to the shoe world as well as the dream world."

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He's definitely right about the dream world because these shoes are a DREAM to even look at. And, well, wouldn't it be fun to dress up like Cinderella alongside your daughter this Halloween? I think I would definitely like to do that!

Would you buy these Cinderella shoes from designer Christian Louboutin? Share with us in the comments below!

Image via Walt Disney Studios