Would you let your 6-year-old star in a “booty pop” video? (VIDEO)

Most 6-year-olds spend their time playing outside with their friends. But not Albert Roundtree Jr.! The young boy is a rapper from South Florida, who already has a music video spreading like wildfire on the web. But it's not exactly for the reasons you might think—the video, entitled "Booty Pop" is causing controversy because of its inappropriate promiscuousity… especially because the artist starring in it is only six!

Apparently, Albert himself isn't even allowed to watch his own video! Why? Several scenes show semi-nude women shaking their assets in Albert's face while he raps! Seriously? How is that appropriate in association with such a young kid?

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The video is flagged on YouTube for its sexual content and is age restricted for users 18 and over. And they're not the only ones with an opinion– hip-hop magazine, Vibe, went so far as to call it "child abuse."

Well, I'm not sure about it being abuse, but it's definitely wrong. Albert is adorable and pretty talented for a young kid, but to have him rapping about making a woman's "booty pop" and starring in a video that shows random women dancing around him? That's completely inappropriate on so many levels!

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I mean, I'm all for letting your kids explore their interests but this definitely goes way too far. If his parents and family members were determined to show his rapping skills to the world, they should've made the song and the video suitable for his age. Simply prohibiting him from watching the video seems like too little, too late.

Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YDClZJLkCHg#!

Do you think the video is appropriate? Tell us in the comments below!

Image via YouTube