Babies vs. Cats: Round 1 (VIDEOS)

We've already explored the absolutely adorable combination of puppies and babies but now it's time to add kitties to the kids! After watching the video below where a baby boy becomes absolutely entranced by a cat's tail, I just had to find some more kid and cat hilarity. Lucky for us, there has been plenty of that caught on tape.

I think my absolute favorite one is number three! Seriously, there's nothing better than listening to a little kid's hysterical giggle. Watch that one and more below with our top 5 super cute and funny  videos, featuring babies and kitties. They are guaranteed to make you smile!

__Want to find other hysterical kid videos? Like us on Facebook!

1. Baby is completely fixated on grabbing cat's tail!

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2. Baby attempts to eat cat's tail, although by the look on his face, it doesn't taste very good! Meanwhile, the cat just stares as him with a quizzical look on his face.

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3. Baby falls into uncontrollable, hysterical laughter just by looking at the cat…who is doing absolutely nothing at all.

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4. The most patient cat in the universe lays idly by while a baby shows him some aggressive love.

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5. A super sweet and gentle yung cat babysits and cuddles against a newborn baby.

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Do your pets play with your children? Tell us in the comments below!

Image via YouTube