6 parenting tips for ‘DWTS’ champ J.R. Martinez and his new baby girl

Happy baby news! Latino veteran and Dancing with the Stars champ J.R. Martinez and his girlfriend, Diana Gonzalez-Jones welcomed a beautiful baby girl into their lives yesterday evening!

The couple named their new daughter Lauryn Anabelle Martinez, but they've also already come up with a nickname–Belle. How adorable is that?! "She has a couple of cute little freckles on her cheeks, a full head of hair and the cutest little lips," Martinez told PEOPLE magazine. "It's just amazing to see her, finally. She's beautiful."

Aww, nothing's cuter than a dad gushing over his baby girl! I was a total daddy's girl growing up and the full-on embodiment of a little Latina diva princess –taking dance classes from a super young age, demanding to pick out my own clothes (ask my parents about my red cowboy boot phase!), and  chattering non-stop in both Spanish and English.

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So all I can say is Martinez is definitely going to have his hands full. In fact, I bet the ballroom will look like a cakewalk compared to parenthood! To help him out, here a few tips for the future from one all grown-up daughter to a new father. Congratulations, J.R.!

  1. Don't freak out–you will sleep again. After a few weeks of sleepless nights tending to your newborn baby can make any new parent crazy. It's totally normal to be tired but don't let yourself get too bogged down with frustration and exhaustion. It'll only prevent you from enjoying this time with your new baby. Just remember the time when your kid can sleep through the night on their own will come faster than you think –and then you'll be reminiscing about the old days!
  2. Let your child explore. My parents always tell me that even when I was still lying in a crib, I always wanted to touch and see everything that came into my path. And by the time I was crawling and walking, there was no stopping me. But that curiosity is what led me to pick up a book at a ridiculously young age and why I love to read and write now! As long as you're around to watch, allowing your kids to roam and learn about new things is good. You never know what long-term passions you might be instilling!
  3. Call on your family for help when you need a break. Your mom aka the new abuela is probably dying for some baby time anyway.
  4. Teach a second language as early as you can. You might not speak more than one language, but your kid should, especially now that bilingualism is practically a required job factor! You'll only be giving them an advantage in the long run.
  5. When you can, enroll your baby in different classes to see what they like. I started dance classes when I was two years and old and didn't stop until I was 14. Granted in those early years, I wasn't doing much more than clapping my hands and pointing my feet but I was making new friends and trying something new. And though I might not be taking classes now, I still love to dance and have fond memories of those ballet and tap days! As long as you don't go overboard and try to pack in too many things, I guarantee your child will be able to find an activity they enjoy, whether it's a music class or a sport.
  6. No matter how much she drives you crazy–and she will–remember she's your little girl. So spoil her, teach her, punish her if she needs it, and love her 'cause she's yours. And in the end that's all that matters!

What are your tips for new dad J.R?

Image via ALA – The American Library Association/flickr