The first at-home infertility test for men is here! Would your man try it?

Getting pregnant just got a little easier…at least for women! Though typically it is the mom-to-be's job to make sure a couple can get pregnant, a newly developed at-home screening test for men could reverse those roles.  

SpermCheck evaluates whether the a man's sperm count is normal –which is at "20 million or more sperm per ml," according to Time. The test, which has been approved by the FDA, reportedly has 98% accuracy and takes just 10 minutes. It is now available on and for $39.99 and will become available in stores in April.  

Though most pharmacies currently hold at least 20 different types of take-home infertility tests for females, SpermCheck will be the first do-it-yourself infertility test for men. The product could mark an important change in dynamics for couples that are trying to get pregnant –especially since data from the SpermCheck site shows that right now, only 20% of men in relationships get a sperm-count analysis.

I personally think is awesome for both women and men! It's pretty well-documented that females are the ones who usually carry the heavier burden in any attempt to conceive. So why not let your man help out? The test is affordable and apparently very quick so there's no room for "I don't have the time, I hate going to the doctor, it's too expensive" excuses. Plus, it's an easy, non-invasive way for guys to ensure that they're healthy, whether or not they're trying to have a baby! Now, you just have to convince your man!

What do you think of the new test? Would you ask your boyfriend or husband take it?

Image via Imperfect Perfections/flickr