Fitness expert Massy "Mankofit" Arias apparently has everyone on the internet talking, because despite being 22 weeks pregnant, she's still sporting rock-hard abs. If you didn't know it, you would never guess the 27-year-old was even expecting. But here's what people don't get: Arias isn't posting pictures of her tiny bump to give off any #pregnancyinspo.
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Sure, Arias looks amazing and of course we'd all dream to have her sick six-pack. But what people don't realize when they criticize or hate on her intensely toned pregnant body, is that this Dominicana isn't trying to encourage other expecting moms-to-be to look the same. Arias is a fitness expert who works out and lifts weights more than the average woman, so while her tiny bump may not fit what a "normal pregnancy" looks like, it's perfectly fine and healthy for her. Women with this kind of muscule definition take longer to show and it's important to recognize that before comparing your own pregnant belly to hers.
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLsjHI4gXmb/
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLyrnFhAhI_/
Arias is the first to tell her fans and followers not to compare their baby bumps with hers:
All women show at different times. Height, where the baby actually implants, genetics, and more influence how soon you will show," she captioned one of her pregnancy photos on Instagram. "So don't feel like you are doing anything wrong. Being healthy during pregnancy is key, but ultimately it is every woman's choice to decide what she will do during these 10 months … YESSSS 10 months. They don't tell you that until you're actually pregnant.
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLMMaLOjVCj/
As women, we really need to make more of a conscious effort to stop comparing ourselves to others–pregnant or not! What's important is that you're healthy and happy with your body. Nothing else really matters.
Image via Massy Arias/Instagram