10 Tips to help you get through your winter pregnancy

Think your winter pregnancy is a good excuse to stay nice and warm indoors? Think again! Mommies-to-be who are pregnant in the coldest months of the year can prepare to take on the winter weather like the superheroes they are. Don't let the plummeting temperatures get your down. Enjoy your winter pregnancy to the fullest with these essential survival tips.

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Images via Corbis

Layers upon layers upon layers

Image Corbis

Sure maternity clothing makes things a bit easier for the pregnant mommy's expanding belly, but investing in a winter coat that wraps around the bump may not be necessary. Layering not only saves you money, it can also make it easier when you're out and about in the coldest months of the year. Especially when you have to run to the restroom, something you'll do more often while pregnant.

Warm and snuggly ways to stay hydrated


Just because you're not beating the summer heat doesn't mean you don't need to properly hydrate. Even during the coldest time of year, a pregnant woman must drink plenty of water and other healthy beverages like tea and warm soups to make sure that growing baby is nice and cozy. It also helps with mom's glowing skin!

Beware of pesky germs!


Winter brings lots of coughs, sneezes, colds and flus. So it's especially important for pregnant women to protect themselves from the germs all around. Wash your hands multiple times a day since it's the hub of traveling germs. And if you're in a place where lots of people are sneezing and coughing and you're able to leave, do it! Keep you and your baby as far away from the germs as possible because there's nothing fun about being sick during pregnancy.

Fun ways to keep moving and stay pregnant fit


Too cold for a nice, brisk walk outside? Turn on your favorite tunes and get to dancing indoors. Not only is it a great way to burn calories, get your heart beating faster, but your baby will be happily grooving, too! It's a win-win.

Leave early to avoid icy messes


Whether you live in a city or the country, wintery conditions can prove dangerous for any commuter. If you're a working pregnant mommy during the winter months, make sure to leave with plenty of the time in the morning.  That way there's no added stress to you and your baby and there's no risk in injuring yourself by falling or slipping on ice.

Off your bum and meditate


Meditating is a great way to stay mentally healthy and it's something you can do just about anywhere. So whether you're snug as a bug in a rug in the comforts of your home or you're outside commuting to work or sitting at your desk, 10 to 15 minutes of meditation can make a world of difference in your day.

Soak in the winter sun


Vitamin D is essential for healthy living, but when you're with child in the winter, you may not want to go out and soak in the rays–especially when it's cold! But it's essential to get off the couch, bundle up, and feel the sun's rays on your face. Even if your cheeks and nose are a little red due to the brisk air.

Bath soaking the right way


Ahhh! A nice hot bath in the winter could make for a very happy mommy and baby. But due to the frigid tempatures, soaking in hot water could really dry mom's skin out. It's best to soak in warm water since the hotter the water the more likely it is to leave your skin feeling dry and itchy. Pack on your favorite moisterizer after you bathe and your skin will thank you for it.

No heavy lifting! Say no to shoveling snow


Sure, we feel like supermoms, but the truth of the matter is that using too much muscle power could be dangerous for you and baby. So as tempting as it might be to shovel a nice clean walkway in the front of your house or clean off the car and the snow around it, don't do it! Get a loved one to help out so there's no risk of injury to you or that precious little one.

Happy feet


Slipping and falling on ice or snow while pregnant can be a scary thing. But there's a simple solution: Invest in a pair of good winter boots with lots of traction. The proper trekking footwear can help you stay on solid ground.