Can we be honest for un minutito and admit that toddlers are completely and totally unreasonable? I mean, if they were adults we would not put up with their behavior at all, but since they are little and cute we have no choice but to suck it up and wait for them to grow out of it. In the meantime, let's commiserate.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 Things you should NEVER say to your abuela
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They are total control freaks

I understand liking things a certain way, but toddlers are like little tyrants when it comes to having things done their way.
They are obsessed with sugar

Look at this little one freakin' out because he can't have ALL the candy in the store. I get it, limits suck.
They want to be in charge of the weather

We all feel like this on the inside when it's been raining for too long, but toddlers have no problem letting their emotions show.
They think they know better than you

You try to warn them that certain things they want to do are not a good idea and they act like you are keeping them from going to Disneyland.
They act like you are a restaurant

Toddlers don't even tip, but they act like they can send back their meals and get something else from Restaurant Ma!
They can't tell when they're tired

You want to piss off a tired toddler? Tell them they are tired and watch them freak out!
They get shocked by the obvious

It is a harsh reality of life that if you drink all of your juice, there will be none left in your cup, but a toddler can't deal with the truth.
There is no such thing as a neat toddler

"My toddler is so neat," said no mom EVER!
They fall asleep in ridiculous places

They won't sleep when you want them to, but they have no problem falling asleep in a place no one has any business sleeping.
They are straight up gross

It's crazy the things parents won't let toddlers put in their mouths. At least that's what toddlers think.