I totally lie to my kids. Not about HUGE things, but still I lie because even though I believe that honesty is the best policy, that's not always the case with kids. Check out these lies that I think are totally okay to tell your kids. Try not to judge me too much because even though I am prone to lying to kids I still have feelings–and that's no lie.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 Secrets of happy moms you need to steal right NOW
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Santa Claus, La Llorona and other mythical creatures are real

My kids think Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, La Llorona and the tooth fairy are real. They'll learn the truth soon enough and for now I can threaten them with things like, "Santa knows you're misbehaving, right?"
There are no treats in the house

Sometimes the only way I can get a treat is by lying and saying there are none in the house. Trust me they still get plenty of treats. I'm doing them a favor.
If you talk back your tongue will turn to chicharrón

This is something my mom used to tell me and I don't know what happened, but one day it came out of my mouth, too. Like mother, like daughter I guess.
Everything is going to be okay

The truth is that I don't know if everything is going to be okay, but I want my children to feel safe so I go on faith when I tell them this because I will do everything in my power to help things go okay.
That a stranger is gonna get mad at them

This is another one I stole from my mom. When out in public if nothing I've done to make my kid behave works, I threaten to walk over to a random stranger and tell on them. I don't know why, but it works. They really don't want to get in trouble with a stranger.
Daddy and mommy were under the covers naked because they were hot

For reals, though, kids don't need certain details of your life. Am I right or am I right?
That you are leaving without them

As if I'm really gonna go hit a piñata at one of their friend's houses without them. Ha! It's just a motivator to get them going.
That the store was out of something they asked for

Sometimes I go to the store and forget something my kids asked me for. They can be really unforgiving so I might find myself saying that actually the store was out of My Little Pony toothpaste.
That they're going to get stuck with a fuchi face

Too many muecas might make their faces freeze or something, maybe? Probably not, but I tell them this anyway because I don't like fuchi faces all up in my face.
I don't know

Children are the masters of why. Why this, why that? Sometimes I know something, but I say I don't know because ain't nobody got time to accurately describe why there are stars in the sky and how they got there when I'm trying to get them to school before the bell rings.