Someone's watched too many Paranormal Activity movies! Virginia Beach mother Michele Lucas is convinced that a ghost is living in the body of her 4-year-old son Andrew. According to Lucas, Andrew has been exhibiting some bizarre behavior, bursting into tears, then crying hysterically and saying things like, "Why did you let me die in that fire?" Similar comments led Lucas to wonder whether her son's utterances were, in fact, recollections–particularly when Andrew provided very specific information, such as an address in Georgia where he claimed to have lived. Alarmed, Lucas speculated about whether someone who had passed on had been reincarnated as Andrew or if their spirit had somehow taken up residence inside his body. And so Lucas approached the experts from the LMN series Ghost Inside My Child and, with their help, connected the dots in this supernatural puzzle.
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After meeting with several Ghost Inside My Child experts–all of which is taped for an upcoming episode of the series–the Lucas family is now convinced that Andrew is a vessel for the ghost of U.S. Marine Sgt. Val Lewis, who died in an explosion in 1983 while on active duty in Beirut, Lebanon. They even took Andrew to the graveyard where Lewis was buried in an attempt to give him closure. They were allegedly shocked when Andrew calmly set some flowers before Lewis' grave.
The trip, however, didn't put an end to the eerie occurrences. According to Lucas, a few weeks back, an emblem hanging from her wall suddenly appeared crooked and then, within moments, went back to its original position. She now wonders whether she picked up spirits while in the graveyard and continues to ponder how to approach the situation with Andrew. Because, you know, it couldn't have been the wind or anything.
I wonder what kind of Jim Jones-ian Kool-Aid this woman drank to make her even speculate about ghosts and spirits. Did it occur to her that maybe her child was having nightmares? That maybe he'd seen a scary show or movie and now his imagination was running wild? In an interview with WTVR, the child can be seen browsing the Internet on his smartphone. Could he have stumbled upon some strange videos or photos and started to mimic what he saw, referencing it in his speech? Could it be the child said something outrageous and kept the antics going because he enjoyed the extra attention? A normal parent would explore all of these possibilities first. If the child seemed distraught, the parent would try to soothe the child, reassuring him that ghosts and spirits do not exist because they just don't. Sorry, folks, but all that hocus pocus stuff is just ridiculous. And, spoiler alert: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy also aren't real.
Now, if the child still exhibited some trauma, a caring parent would take the child to a therapist–and a certified professional at that, not some loon from a sensational docu-reality show.
The true mystery here is how a grown woman could be so delusional as to believe that a ghost was living inside her child*! That* was the first conclusion she came to? Seriously? Now, she's subjected the poor kid to her lunatic theories. In a segment that will be featured on the show, Michele shows Andrew photos of six Marines who died in the same bombing that killed Lewis, asking him, "Are these your friends?" The child clearly looks at his mother for some sign of how to respond before nodding his head in the affirmative. Which leads me to believe, even more vehemently, that he's perpetuating the behavior because he's following her lead.
And then there's the other quite possible scenario: this is all one big production for television. After all, people will do absolutely anything to be on TV–yank other women's hair, eat bugs, go on naked dates, and so forth. It could very well be that Andrew's mom and dad came up with this far-fetched story and asked Andrew to play "make believe" in order to pull the whole thing off, essentially making their child a pawn in their attention-getting scheme.
Either way, these folks need to get it together. And, apparently, so do quite a few other parents since the very existence of a show called Ghost Inside My Child suggests there's a substantial contingent of similarly loony folks who decided to procreate and perpetuate the craziness!
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