Hi, I am a mother and my head is about to explode. My kids have been sick and my husband too, which means that I have to deal with grouchy dispositions all around me and it's driving me crazy. Being a mother can sometimes feel like a thankless job because so often no one actually says thank you, most of the time I don't notice, but right now, somebody better say thank you to me for something or I am going to lose it.
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While I wait for someone in my family to bust out with a spontaneous thank you, let me count the many things a mother should never expect a thank you for:
1. For being there no matter what the time. It's 3:00 a.m. and your kid is having a coughing fit, you're on it.
2. For wiping butts. Both my kids act like it's an honor for me to wipe their butts. It's not, it's gross and it is one thing I will not miss when they get older. Also, I've taken to saying thank you to myself after I wipe my own butt, since they never thank me.
3. For dealing with boogers here, boogers there, boogers everywhere.
4. For finding a freakin' doll shoe that was designed to fall off the second you take the doll out of the box.
5. For not cursing your head off when they are pissing you off.
6. For driving them from one place to another safely while they do their best to distract you with screaming, seat kicking and proclamations that they are starving to death.
7. For remembering which stinkin'' donut they like even though when you get it wrong, they will yell at you like you are a selfish crack addicted whore of a mother who only cares about herself and her next high. Doens't matter that they have no idea what crack is, the judgment is still there, you feel it.
8. For getting up for the 100th time to get them something they are perfectly capable of getting themselves.
9. For not losing your freakin' mind when they knock your favorite portrait off the wall when you've told them a million times not to fool around with it.
10. For still feeding them after they swear up and down that they are not hungry, couldn't possibly eat a thing and as soon as your tired ass hits a chair, guess what … the little lying torturers are hungry.
Okay, so I may not be your kid, but if you are a mom and you are reading this, I would just like to say THANK YOU for all that you do every single day without expecting a thank you.
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