I think it's wonderful when parents are passionate about parenting, but there is passion and then there is ridiculousness. Of course you know I have an example coming right up. Amy Logan from Kansas is the 43-year-old mother of one child. Logan got an email from Babies "R" Us Letting her know that they are carrying the Kardashian Kids Collection. The clothing line is designed for 0-24 month old baby girls by Kardashian sisters Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney. It's actually super cute and has little leather faux vests, some leopard print whatnots and more black in it than any kids' collection I've ever seen and I consider that a good thing. Well, Logan is not a fan of the Kardashians and does not think it is wise to sell their clothing to impressionable babies so she started a petition to get the Kardashian Kids clothes removed from the store. Get this, the first line of the petition reads, "I don't want my child to grow up to be a Sex Tape star."
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Excuse me while I laugh HYSTERICALLY for five minutes because that's what happens every time I read that line. I mean COME ON!
I am sure that this mother has her child's best interest at heart, but this, I'm sorry, is some kind of overreacting and wasted energy. I am no scientist or doctor, but I can say with a good deal of certainty that being a "Sex Tape" star is not contagious and even if it were there is no danger of catching the disease when you are 0-24 months from wearing a faux leather skirt that comes from a clothing line created by a woman whose sex tape was leaked. I mean that's just not how "Sex Tape" stars are created.
Also, I'm thinking that you shouldn't let a 0-24 month old watch or even know about that infamous sex tape. Doesn't seem like an appropriate baby talk topic to me, but what do I know?
Last I checked the "Stop Selling Kardashian Kids Clothing" petition had reached 2,500 signatures. I wish you could see me rolling my eyes right now. You know what those parents and Logan really need to do if they dislike the collection so much? Don't buy it! That's it. I truly hope that the folks at Babies "R" Us do not listen to this nonsense. Keep carrying the clothes, they are cute. Just make sure they don't come with a free sex tape or a stripper pole for the crib and we're good.
Image via kardashiankids/Facebook