Every single time I watch this 35 second video of Michael Chepul's baby boy drinking ice water for the first time my face breaks into a HUGE smile and my heart swells. The video reminds me of a lyric from the song "Jack and Diane" by John Mellencamp. The line goes, "Oh yeah life goes on. Long after the thrill of living is gone." This gorgeous baby is nowhere near losing the thrill of living. It's all a magical marvelous wonderland full of exciting new experiences and the best part of it all is that a child's enthusiasm is contagious that's why us jaded grown ups need to be exposed to it. Am I right or am I so right? The only correct answer is that I am right and that's why I urge you to watch this video.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 6 Ways young kids will help you look better
What you will see is this little darling sipping cold water and then that face shows you exactly what he thinks of the experience. He cannot get enough of this heavenly elixir and his daddy can't help and laugh because COME ON! Life just doesn't get any more awesome than this. Check it out!
Now before you go on your merry way, por please take a moment to click through this gallery of children's firsts that we've so lovingly put together for you. Every single one of them is smile enducing and don't tell me you can't use more smiles in your life!—
Additional reporting by Michelle Regalado
Image via YouTube
Hearing daddy's voice for the first time

Lachlan Lever was born with hearing issues, he had moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. This video of him hearing his daddy for the first time with the help of a cochlear implant actually brought me to tears. Even at such a young age, you can read the wonder, joy and amazement in his baby face.
Hearing a lion roar for the first time

This child's face and body react to the sound of a lion roaring and it is pretty cute!
Baby trying solid food for the first time

Nolan has one of the cutest most expressive faces ever. Watching him try solid food for the first time is wonderful.
Image via YouTube
Little guy tries lemon for the first time!

Watch this little guy try a lemon for the first time ever:
Little gal tries raspberry for the first time

Little Stella tries a raspberry for the first time and her reaction will have you rolling on the floor, laughing.
Coffee for the first time

Watch these kids react to drinking coffee for the first time!
Atomic Warheads for the first time

This little boy tries Atomic Warheads for the first time and it's awesome!
Ice cream for the first time

A baby + ice cream for the first time equals pure joy.