Do you know what the word for vagina in Spanish is? It's vagina. Look at that, a word that is spelled exactly the same way in both English and Spanish, you would think it would be totally popular, but for some reason people really like to refer to a vagina by any other name, especially parents. It never ceases to amaze me than in an effort to use an euphamism for a body part, Latino parents have come up with so many strange things to call a vagina. I really don't think that any other body part has so many nicknames or apodos if you will. I mean an arm is an arm, right? No one is trying to call it a rama,palo or birote to make it less explicit or more explicit as the case may be.
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Even I'm guilty of refering to the vagina with another name and my 3-year-old and 6-year-old know that their vaginas are their vaginas, but I guess old habits are hard to break and since I was raised by a Latina mother whom I NEVER heard say vaginaen español or English for that matter, I sometimes refer to my daughter's private parts by the made up term funfurufo. I don't know why I made up a term when I so easily could have picked from the ones below.
Here are 40 weird things that Latino parents call vaginas other than vagina:
- Almeja
- Araña
- Arepa
- Bicho
- Bizcocho
- Cachucha
- Chango
- Chimba
- Chocha
- Chochi
- Chocho
- Chucha
- Concha
- Cuchara
- Conejo
- Cosita
- Cuca
- Crica
- Guayabo
- La Cosa Loca
- Micha
- Mico
- Oso
- Paja
- Panocha
- Papa
- Papaya
- Pepita
- Picha
- Pucha
- Pupusa
- Sapo
- Semilla
- Taco
- Tontón
- Torta
- Tostón
- Toti
- Toto
- Verija
No matter what you call it, a vagina is a vagina in English or español.
Image via Thinkstock