My daughters are 3 and 6 years old and they both know what a vagina is and what it's called. They also know what a penis is and what it's called. I have no issue with them knowing these things because they are body parts, they exist and I'm cool with it, BUT there are limits to my coolness. For example when it's our turn to provide snacks for my 6-year-old's class, I don't show up with penis-shaped gummy candies or a platter of sugar cookies with frosting depicting an anatomically correct vagina on them because those snacks seem more appropriate for a bachelor or bachelorette party than for elementary school student, right? And who the heck wants to see kids chomping on gummy penises or chowing down on sweet vaginas?
Well, apparently the mother of one particular second grader is WAY cooler than I am because she showed up with a tray of vagina cookies to her kid's second grade class and lost her friggin' mind when the teacher told her the snack was inappropriate.
Read more ¿Qué Más?: Mom helps kids draw huge penis on football field, should have known better
This story was posted on Reddit by a user whose friend is a teacher and relates an incident that happened in the teacher's class from the perspective of the teacher. According to the posting, this teacher rewards her kids for a great week with a treat on FridayMom shocked that teacher won't let students eat vagina cookies which is to be provided by one of the parents. Well, one week a mom volunteers to bring in cookies and when that Friday rolls around:
[Mom] comes into the classroom with a pan full of treats and brings them to me and says with a smile "I decided you can use these to teach the kids about the woman's vagina today". Baffled and completely caught off guard I slowly peel the aluminum foil off the pan to behold a plethora of sugar cookie and frosting vaginas. Not just any old vagina, but ALL KINDS OF VAGINAS… I give the parent the most professional look I can muster and quietly reply "I'm sorry Autumn, but I can't give these to my students. This just isn't appropriate."
Well, the mother lost it and accused the teacher of not being proud of her vagina and yelled the word vagina over and over in front of the entire class. Then she stormed off leaving the vagina cookies on the teacher's desk. The teacher ended up scraping the frosting off the cookies so that the kids could still have a treat.
Later, the crazy vagina-cookie-making mom sent the teacher some insane email that accused the teacher of not wanting to empower women because "women should stand together and inform people about the vagina and how to please it." Since when do second graders need to know how to please a vagina? And then, I'm not even kiddin, she writes, "I hope you end up with an abusive husband that beats on you every night." Wow, last time I checked that wasn't a very female-empowering kind of thing to say.
The woman's child did end up being taken out of the school and put in a private school and the mother is not allowed on school district property. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
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