Mom helps kids draw huge penis on football field, should have known better

A Temperance, Michigan mom, 50 years old, her daughter and another teenager are the prime suspects in a vandalism case in which a giant 100 yard penis was etched into the Bedford High School football turf field __u__sing weed and grass killer a week before the homecoming game.

The incident has caused the Bedford High School Kicking Mules schedule to be disrupted and cost $15,000-$20,000 in damage to the field. It's a felony and the Superintendent, Mark Kleinhans, is NOT impressed. He plans to prosecute the individuals responsible, to the full extent of the law.

Read more ¿Qué Más?: Nosy neighbor calls cops & CPS on mom for letting son play outside!

This is way beyond some stupid homecoming prank. This is a crime and worse, one of the stupidest parenting moves that I've ever seen. We all know, or we suspect, that when our kids hit the teen years there will be turbulence. It's growing pains. They want us to let go, we want to hold on and it all seems to blow up in our faces.

I get what this mom was trying to do. She was trying to be "cool" and be her kid's friend. But when your kid is about to commit a crime, that's when you tap the brakes and gently suggest that they try to do something that is not a felony. Now, this mom is facing jail time and fines.

I'm all for having a close relationship with your children and I hope someday, when my girls are grown, we can be best friends but today and for the next 10-15 years, I am their mom and I have to do what is best for them whether it makes me cool or not. They can hate me today for saying no, but I'd rather they consider me uncool than think me stupid for ending up in jail for burning a giant penis in the ground while they have to live down the reputation of being the kid of the mom who's a half-wit or worse, end up in the system while I serve jail time.

Make better parenting choices, people. You are your child's parent, not their bestie. Now start acting like it.

We've all done crazy things to have fun with our kids or to be seen as still "cool". Me, I went roller skating and was showing off and I once rode every roller coaster they wanted to ride, twice. It nearly killed me. But at least there was no jail time involved. There may have been some vomiting and a sore tailbone but nothing criminal.

Image via istock Slobo