Very soon, a whole new batch of kindergartners will be starting the school year. It's such a big deal, you guys. It really is. Even if you think your child is ready for it, even if you think you are ready for it, even if your kid has been in daycare and preschool, starting kindergartenis a BIG deal. Sometimes as a mamá, you spend so much time focusing on getting your child ready for the big event that you forget to get yourself ready for it and you are surprised by the rush of feelings and the thoughts that go through your mind on that very first day of "real" school.
If this is the year that you take your child to kindergarten, know that you are not alone, know that mamis across the nation feel your joy mixed with sadness. We also might know what you will be thinking because we thought it too.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Is my son ready for Kindergarten?
Here are 13 thoughts that go through a mami's head on the first day of kindergarten:
1. Woo hoo! Kindergarten! I finally get some time to myself. Bring it!
2. OMG, my baby is going to kindergarten. What the heck am I going to do without my little critter?
3. Are you kidding me? My little bitty kid is going to school with these giants? That is not a what a 5th grader looked like when I was a kid.
4. I hope my kid isn't the stupidest kid in the class. Yeah, yeah, my kid's not stupid, my kid is smart, but I still hope there are stupider kids in the class.
5. Don't cry baby, don't cry. You got this. We talked about this. You can do this.
6. I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna cry. OMG, I'm crying!
7. Oh no, none of the other moms are crying. Pull yourself together woman!
8. Great, now I have mocos everywhere. These ladies are going to think I'm a disgusting, germy moco queen.
9. I should smile and say hello to the other parents.
10. Did she just look away on purpose, like she's too good to say hello to me? Well, excuse me for trying to be friendly!
11. Okay, here we go. The kids are going into the classroom. One last wave!
12. I have got to get out of here so I can go cry in private.
13. Nobody better mess with my baby because if they do I'm going to wipe my mocos all over them!
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