If you've been a mom for any length of time, I'm sure you've discovered that it's not an easy gig. All you can do is your best. If you aim for perfect, it ain't gonna happen. The thing about being a good mother–a great mother even–is that you will still make mistakes. It's true, all mothers make mistakes and there are even some mistakes that all mothers make.
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Here are 10 mistakes that you will absolutely make as a mother:
1. You will yell at your kids. Even if you are not a yeller, it's going to happen. Wow, who knew you could be so loud?
2. You will curse in front of your kids. Let's hope you are simply cursing in front of them and not at them.
3. You will let them eat junk you swore would never touch their lips. Sure you'll try to feed them the best of the best, but when they go on a hunger strike that seems to rival the one that Cesar Chavez went on, you will offer them chocolate covered hydrogenated fat fried cupcakes and be happy when they eat them.
4. You will forget to buckle them into their car seat. You'll put them in, something will happen, you'll get distracted and forget that you never secured them via the 5-point-harness. Hopefully, you only do this once and your kid is not in any way hurt.
5. You will forget to put a diaper on them. I have two kids and with both kids at some point I forgot to put a diaper on them even though they weren't potty trained. Oopsy.
6. You will use the TV as a babysitter. Yes, you've read and heard that letting your kids watch too much TV is bad, but you know what, you live in the real world and sometimes the TV is the only babysitter available.
7. Your kid will get hurt and it will be your fault. Yup, all those stories you hear about kids falling off beds, your kid is going to be one of them. I mean you were right there, you just turned your head for one second and BOOM!
8. You'll forget when you gave them their last dose of medicine. Your baby is sick. OMG, your baby is sick! You bust out the acetaminophen or ibuprofen and carefully give the correct dosage, you look at the clock and repeat over and over what time it is. You wait what seems like forever for the medicine to kick in and give your baby some relief and when it finally starts to work, you forget what time you gave your kid the medicine so you have no idea when you can give it again. Dang it!
9. You will be a pushover. You'll start out saying "NO" and meaning it, then your kid will hound you incessantly with a determination and perseverance you never thought possible and just to get them to shut up, you will say, "FINE!" This will help you to learn to pick your battles and only say no when it is absolutely necessary.
10. You'll forget that your kids are not you. Not always and hopefully not often, but at least once you will forget that your child is not you, not even an extension of you, they are in fact their own little person. You will try to make them do something that is NOT them, and they will let you know in no uncertain terms that they are not you and that you need to let them be who they are.
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