Are you an overpacker? I know I am and it really showed when I went to the hospital to give birth to my first daughter. I'm not exaggerating that the nurse who greated me looked at my bag like I was crazy and planning to move in. Well, I wanted to be sure I had everything I needed. Truly, bringing all that stuff was not helpful and actually ended up making things harder for me like when I had to move rooms or leave. So learn from my mistakes please. I can tell you exactly what not to pack in your hospital bag.
Readmore ¿Qué más?:The essential things you'll need for your hospital bag
Here are eight items you should never pack in your hospital bag:
1. Nice underwear. Trust me, you will not want to wear it. You will be bleeding after giving birth and be wearing the biggest sanitary napkins you have ever seen. Your nice underwear will only get ruined. The hospital will give you some ugly mesh panties to use.
2. Thongs. As in G-strings. Yes, I realize that thongs are underwear, but perhaps you are suffering from pregnancy brain and need me to remind you. You will not be wearing thongs of the underwear kind anytime soon after giving birth. Not gonna happen. Leave them at home.
3. Maxi pads. You will need maxi pads once you are home, but while you are at the hospital, they got you covered and theirs are probably bigger than yours anyway.
4. Nice pajamas. Yes, hospital gowns are ugly and indecently expose parts of your body you would rather not expose. Still, keep your nice PJs at home because the hospital gown provides much needed easy access for doctors and nurses and your nursing new baby. Plus if they get dirty and gross, who cares?
5. Diapers. You don't need to pack diapers. The hospital will provide you with the diapers your newborn needs during your stay.
6. Your pre-pregnancy clothes. I'm sorry, but you will not be fitting into your pre-pregnancy clothes right after giving birth and that's OKAY. Bring clothes that are comfy for the trip back home. Think yoga pants and a loose shirt.
7. Your knitting, bills or any such nonsense. You won't have time to catch up on your knitting or pay your bills. And leave War and Peace at home, if you haven't had time to read it before giving birth, it ain't gonna happen after.
8. Most medications. I brought my medications with me, but didn't need to. A nurse kindly asked me what I was taking and provided me with what I needed during her rounds. Now, of course, if you need something that is pretty specific to you and hard to get by all means bring it, but I promise the hospital will have Advil or Tylenol.
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