This is a truly amazing birth story that involves twins born 24 days apart. Lindalva Pinheiro da Silva was pregnant with twins and 24 weeks along when her water broke and she started having contractions. Babies born that early only have a 50 percent survival rate and are a risk for many health problems. Because of that, the doctors at Tufts Medical Center in Boston did everything they could to delay Da Silva's labor. Four days later, baby Alexandre was born. He was so tiny at 1 pound, 10 ounces that daddy, Ronaldo Antunes, could hold him in the palm of his hand.
Alexandre was rushed to the neonatal intensive unit while Da Silva stayed in the delivery room to deliver her second child, but then her contractions stopped and her cervix closed up and the second baby didn't come. What?!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Mom gives birth to 4 babies in 4 minutes!
Doctors told her she might deliver "in hour or a day or one week." They also told her the benefits of keeping the baby in her womb for as long as possible.
Da Silva was put on antibiotics to prevent infection because she still had Alexandre's umbilical cord and placenta inside of her and she was monitored very closely for any signs of "early infection." Then 24 days later, 3 weeks after Alexandre was born, Da Silva started having contractions again.
The second twin, Ronaldo, was born weighing 3 pounds, 3 ounces. Yay!
It's been three months now and both the babies are weighing in at over 6 pounds. Alexandre is still smaller than Ronaldo and he may need surgery in the future for eye issues and a hernia, but they are both alive and well.
Tell me this isn't an incredible story? I don't even really understand how it is possible, but I'm so glad that Da Silva was in the care of a knowledgeable and talented medical team that took excellent care of her and her babies. Amazing!
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