You know what I have absolutely no tolerance for? Making fun of a pregnant woman's appearance. I don't care if they are celebrities, that does NOT make them fair game. For cryin' out loud, they are busy making another human being and you are going to make fun of how they look just to be mean? That's low. Yeah, I'm lookin' at you TMZ, I saw your not so cute, no so funny post having fun at the expense of Jennifer Farley or JWoww who happens to be very very super pregnant. Do you NOT understand that pregnant ladies get a pass even if they are celebrities that you are used to making fun of? Yup, I said it, PREGNANT LADIES GET A PASS.
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The post about JWoww is a "joke" in that it pretends to think that JWoww is Lil' Kim who is also very very preggers. Yes, JWoww is looking a little over-tan and is sporting lots of makeup in the picture, maybe, but so the eff what?! I mean, I'm not even sure if that is why TMZ is comparing her to Lil' Kim. Apparently a lot of people didn't even get the joke because the comments section is full of people pointing out that the woman in the picture is JWoww and not Lil' Kim. So in one dinky post, TMZ managed to be mean to two pregnant ladies AND it's just mean for the sake of being mean and I don't like it.
I don't care who the pregnant woman is, but we should all show a little respect and kindness. Sheesh, it's like the people who make fun of babies they think are ugly?
I don't know maybe I'm being a big ol' softie, but when it comes to the pregnant ladies of the world, I am going to send them love and support, not mean-spirited humor. And if you find yourself in a position where you absolutely cannot refrain from making fun of a pregnant lady, then at least make sure your joke is funny and doesn't go over most of your audience's heads and that is not meant as an insult to your audience because it's not their fault when you're not funny…again, I'm lookin' at you TMZ.
You know what I do find funny? JWoww's pictoral response on Instagram to the joke post.

Just in case you can't imagine what is going on under the part of the photo that I blurred, let's just say that JWoww is pointing a perfectly manicured finger up toward the sky.
Images via Splash News, jennijwowwmtv/Instagram