Seeing as each and every one of us is an individual with a unique genetic makeup, varying hormone levels and different lifestyles, the length of time it takes to get pregnant can vary greatly from one woman to the next. In fact, most doctors will not even see you for a consult on potential infertility until you've been intentionally trying to get pregnant for at least a year. But whether you've just started trying or you've been at it for months, there are a few simple things you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant right now. As you read our tips, keep in mind that overall health and wellness is the common thread, and is a huge factor for most women.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 6 Things you should know about trying to get pregnant
Quit soda and cigarettes. A 2012 study indicates that women who drink two sodas a day are almost 20 percent less fertile than woman who don't, and it should be no surprise at all that cigarettes are a no-no. Generally speaking, they are extremely dangerous to your health, but smoking also ages your ovaries, causes damage to your eggs and can result in a low sperm count for your man.
Maintain a healthy weight. We've all heard that if you're overweight it's best to try to shed those extra pounds before trying to conceive, since being heavy can mean high hormone levels, but it's not just the overweight that need to watch it. Very thin women who exercise more than five hours a week or are considered underweight, often suffer from low hormone levels and less frequent ovulation. Consult with your doctor about what a healthy weight for your body type is and shoot for that, whether that means losing or gaining.
Get your man onboard. Despite popular belief, men play just as big a role in successfully becoming pregnant as women do. Your man needs to be onboard, and willing to make changes to his lifestyle in order to reach his optimum fertility level. Cutting back on television (men who watch hours of TV daily have a nearly 50 percent lower sperm count), maintaining a healthy weight and being sure to keep electromagnetic waves from cell phones and other devices away from his baby maker are all important steps to take.
Relax! Excessive levels of anxiety and stress can actually make you stop ovulating. Trying to conceive can certainly add to stress levels, so try to find a way to deal with your stress. Knitting, reading, yoga, prayer, meditation, or anything else that mellows you out should be practiced daily.
Eat a balanced diet. Of course you should start taking a daily prenatal vitamin as soon as you start trying to conceive, or even before, but getting nutrients straight from the source is even better. Try to cut out processed junk foods and add in whole foods packed with protein, iron, zinc and vitamin C, all of which are essential to good fertility.
Have more sex. The more regularly you do the deed, the better chance you'll have of successfully becoming pregnant. Rather than stressing yourself out by trying to have sex constantly around the time you think you may be ovulating, simply try to have sex consistently throughout the entire month. It will feel more natural, and since oftentimes you won't know exactly when that egg is dropping, you'll have covered all your bases. I say shoot for two to three times a week, but if you typically have sex even more infrequently, even once a week may make a difference.
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