Baby Selfies + 5 other ridiculous apps you’ll never need

Just in case you weren't already convinced that there is literally an app for EVERYTHING these days, a Pittsburgh developer has now created Baby Selfie, a 99-cent app that–as its name implies–is designed to help your infant take photos of themselves. 

Seriously?! I can't believe someone actually went out of their way to create this. I can barely talk about it with a straight face!

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The app, created by Matthew Pegula, was launched on February 15 and is described as "peek-a-boo with a camera twist." So how exactly does it work? According to the website, Baby Selfie uses custom drawings and sounds to surprise the baby and grab the child's attention. Then, it captures the infant's reaction for "a unique, unexpected photo that you'll love to share."

Again: SERIOUSLY? Excuse my repetitiveness, but I am just taken aback that this is actually a real thing. Teen selfies are bad enough, but now an app specifically for baby selfies?! It seems absurd to me. It's one thing if there's an instance here and there when a parent wants to capture a moment and there's no one else around to take a photo. But do we really need a tool to start teaching kids this behavior from that young an age? I mean, at what point is this whole oversharing, self-promoting, trend going too far?

I get it–we live in a technology-driven society; iPads are practically considered children's toys these days. But it's scary to think that we're heading in a direction where it seems as if eventually, kids won't be able to entertain themselves the old-fashioned anymore–you know, with actual toys or a stuffed animal or a game of peek-a-boo with a real-life human being and not a cell phone. 

Plus, it seems as if all these gadgets are only serving to lessen the amount of interaction between parents and their kids. Sure, every parent is pressed for time and who hasn't plopped their child in front of a movie every now and then? But I would hope that no mom or dad is too busy to take the time to make their kid laugh and smile without the help of an app.

Still, while the Baby Selfie app is kind of dumb and more than a little depressing to think about, it's not the only pointless app we've ever heard of. Check out some of the dumbest and most ridiculous apps created over the years:

Image via Baby Selfie

Chick or Dude


Ever wondered how womanly or manly you are? This app ranks you on a gender scale from 0 to 100. All you have to do is scan a photo of yourself and upload it to the app and it determines how feminine or masculine you look. You can also share your results on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Because obviously you'd want to do that.



The purpose of the game is just as horrible as the name suggests. Basically, the app turns the iPhone motion sensors into a way for the player to torture and silence an animated crying infant on the screen. Gross! Luckily, Apple came to their senses and pulled it from the store a couple years ago.

Hold On!


This "game" is supposed to be entertaining, but it's mainly purposeless. In fact, the whole concept is to press a button in the middle of the screen so that phone can record how long you've been holding it. Yup, that's it!



This app helps workers get away with taking a little snooze on the job by playing fake sound effects of typing, stapling, and other office activities. In other words, it can probably help you get fired.



This app does exactly what you think it does–provides you with a variety of fart noises to play to your hearts content. Harmless? Yes. It's also completely pointless. Oh and it costs $1. That's right … it's not even free!