About a week ago while I was holding my son Toñito, I noticed something that disturbed me: his head was lopsided and FLAT!
I yelled out to my hubby Antonio, "Oh no! Our son has a flat head!" And then I called our Pediatrician Dr. Fried, who very quickly (and kindly) told me not to worry and explained that this is more common that I originally thought it was.
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Dr. Fried told me not to worry and that in most cases this corrects itself. He said that babies' heads are soft and will take many different shapes until they grow up. I was relieved to find out this was a totally normal thing, but I find myself thinking about all of the other mamas out there who may be going through the same thing.
And because I don't want them to go through the same fear that I experienced, I want to share some tiips on how they too can remedy the situation (as always, I ask that you please consult your health care provider before trying any of these).
Tummy time: Give your baby plenty of tummy time while they're awake. It won't change the way they're resting their head, but it does help them develop neck muscles so they can lift up their head and turn it in different ways.
Give them something interesting to look at in the other direction: Sometimes babies get used to looking or laying their head in a certain direction. Carefully turn their head while they're awake and give them something interesting to look at. You can also talk to them and sing to them on that particular side.
Use the crib: Alternate the side you use to lay the baby down in the crib at night and that can help the baby get used to laying down on different sides and help mold his soft little head.
Hold him upright: When you are burping him, alternate both of your shoulders. This helps him develop the strength to hold up his own head. (Keep in mind to have one hand ready holding his back and the back of his head.)
Last but not least, just be patient and love his flat little head! After all, it's super adorable!
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Image via Paula Garces
Happy New Year!

I love Toñito's Tuxedo in this photo. It was a present from his cousin, Arlene. Look at that smile!
Birthday Suit!

Check out Toñito in his birthday suit! ¡Qué lindo! This outfit is why I love bath time so much! He also looks cute when he's desnudito–his chunky arms and legs are ADORBS!

I love this onesie! It's so soft and one of the first gifts we got for our baby at our baby shower from our good friend, Chris!
Mad Hatter

My friend Roselyn Sanchez gave me this outfit and he loves it! It's a gown with a hat to match made out of the softest material ever–and it's all organic! I can't get over the moccasins and I love the color! Gracias, Roselyn!
Adorable Frog!

My mom (Toñito's abuelita, Victoria) gave him this outfit. It's so cute! I love when he wears it and it looks like a coquí!
Pajama Party!

I love this one-piece pajama by LifeisGood.com. They donate 10 percent of their profits to help kids in need, so not only do we love the design, color and material but we also love what they stand for! It's Toñito's way of doing his part to help other kids!
Miami Heat Fan?

Tonito's cousin Lucas got him official Miami Heat gear! Lucas is a big Heat fan and was so excited to give this to his baby cousin. In our house, we are all New York fans so I don't know how Toñito will feel about this pic later on! But I do think he looks like a handsome little baller!