Is there any way that I can get my kids to skip the whole teenage part of growing up? I ask because on what seems like a daily basis I come across teenagers behaving in a way that makes me worry for them and for all of us. Take the case of a North Alabama high school student at Clements High School in Limestone County. This student was on a field trip to the University of Alabama at Birmingham's biology department to learn about the Anatomical Donor Program when she just had to take a selfie and post it on Instagram. No big woop, right? Typical high-schooler behavior, except it's not your typical selfie, it's disturbing and disrespectful to say the least. Go ahead and have a look.
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Yup, she took a selfie with a cadaver. Let's break this down a bit in case you think it's totally normal for teens to take selfies with dead bodies. According to a statement by UAB, "Our policies require discretion and respect in our human anatomy facilities. No phones are allowed, no photos are to be taken, and faces of cadavers are covered. A student was made explicitly aware of these policies and breached them. This kind of disrespect is unacceptable and very disappointing."
It IS disappointing, this student knew that what she was doing was against the rules even if she didn't have the good sense to know that it was distasteful and disrespectful. It bums me out.
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but, let's use this as a teachable moment and let our kids know that it is not okay to take selfies with dead bodies.
Images via Thinkstock, Instagram