Just one day before her January 18 due date, pregnant Maine woman Abigail Cain knew she could go into labor any minute. What she didn't realize was how fast it would happen!
Cain first began feeling contractions in the early morning on Friday. She got ready, walked to the driveway, and was about to leave for the hospital with her husband, when she suddenly realized the baby wasn't going to wait any longer.
Read more ¿Qué más? Mom-to-be goes into labor just moments after robbing a truck
Cain had the passenger door open and was leaning on the seat, waiting for her husband. As she felt her labor speed up, she honked the horn a couple of times to try and hurry him up. But I guess he just wasn't fast enough because soon, she felt the urgent need to push.
Next thing she knew, she was delivering the baby by herself, while still standing next to the car in -13 degree temperatures! When her husband, Joseph, came out of the house with their hospital bag, he heard a baby crying and knew that it wasn't their 2-year-old son. Can you imagine?!
Thankfully, both mom and her baby daughter, Danica AnneMarie Cain, are doing just fine. Both were taken to a local hospital by ambulance, shortly after the infant was born.
Yeesh! Clearly, delivering the baby outside in freezing cold temperatures wasn't in her plans, so it's amazing that Cain was able to stay calm under the circumstances. I'm just glad both she and her baby are safe.
Still, Cain's hardly the first mom to unexpectedly go into labor. Below, check some of the other crazy places women have given birth:
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On a sled in a snowstorm

Philadelphia mom Shirley Kim Bonanni ended up delivering the baby on the sled on the side of a road after the aftermath of snowstorm prevented her from reaching her car at the bottom of a hill.
In the Holland Tunnel

Twenty-five-year-old New Jersey mom Soukaina Nekhlaoui was on her way to the hospital when the baby decided it wanted to come out in the middle of the Holland Tunnel! A Port Authority Tunnel & Bridge officer with medical training assisted her and helped her give birth to a healthy baby boy.
On an airplane

Passengers and crew members on a plane had to help deliver Katherine Oyedoh's baby after she unexpectedly went into labor in the middle of an international Delta flight.
In an art gallery

Last October, performance artist Marni Kotak said that giving "birth" is the higest form of art and delivered a baby inside a New York City art gallery. About 20 people were present for the delivery, which took place in a birthing pool.
Live on the web

In October 2011, Ottawa, Canada, mom Nancy Salgueiro gave birth live over the Internet, with more than 2,000 people registered to watch. Her 2-year-old son cut his new brother's umbilical cord.
In a 7 Eleven Parking lot

Just a couple of weeks before the company celebrated their annual Free Slurpee Day, Florida couple Chad and Tye Malley were forced to deliver their baby in a 7-Eleven parking lot after they were unable to make it to the hospital on time!
During a traffic jam

This summer, a Boston mother went into premature labor while sitting in gridlocked Route 16 traffic. She had to call the state police for help!
At a wedding

In July of this year, a woman gave birth to her baby just minutes after tying the knot! She made it through her wedding ceremony but went into labor while taking pictures outside the church.
Two Long Island highways

After going into labor a full week early, Siobhan Anderson was in the car on the way to the hospital when she ended up giving birth to her twin baby boys on two separate Long Island highways!
In the hospital parking lot

Two women in an Alabama hospital were forced to give birth outside in the hospital's parking lot after the building was evacuated over a bomb threat. Tessa Kilgore gave birth underneath an oak tree in the parking lot, as did the other mother. Thankfully they both had healthy babies and easy deliveries.
Train Platform

Last August, 23-year-old Shavonnte Taylor was on her way to an obstetrician's appointment when she started having contractions–2 weeks too early! She ended up giving birth on a platform in the L'Enfant Plaza Metro in Washington D.C.