When I look at my beautiful children, I realize how lucky I truly am. I am blessed to have a daughter who's 21 years old and a baby boy who's just 8 weeks old.
One of the most common questions I get from fans and readers is: "What's it like having a baby again after 21 years?" Well, that's an easy question for me to answer: I feel absolutely amazing! Still, a lot has changed since I gave birth to my daughter Skye 21 years ago. Everything I knew (or "thought I knew" ) about raising a baby has either improved, or simply doesn't exist anymore…
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One of the biggest things that has changed is the increased awareness of SIDS, which as many of you know is the leading casue of death among infants 1 month to 1-year-old babies and claims the lives of about 2,500 each year in the United States. Back in the stone age when I was 18 and Skye was just an infant, I remember I always put her to sleep face down. I was told back then that this was the safest way to do it. Poor baby, I totally could've killed her (infants younger than 1 should be placed on their backs to sleep–never face down on their stomach). So that's one thing that has changed…
These days I am also told not to use loose blankets and no stuffed animals. Skye loved her beanie baby stuffed animals as an infant and she liked to have her face partially covered when she napped. Thank God I'm older and wiser for Toñito!
Oh and can we please talk about breastfeeding? When I had Skye I breastfed her, but I remember having a lot of difficulties back then. I had trouble getting her to latch on; had trouble pumping and knowing what nutrition made me produce more milk. Now that Toñito is breastfeeding, I feel like there's more information available from breastfeeding consultants. For example, good nutrition (like juicing) and "mother's milk tea" for milk production are a must. Sexy functional easy access bras (like ones by Leading Lady Bras and Bravado Designs) also make me feel more confident and make it easier to stay motivated and breastfeed.
But the biggest change for me with baby number two is that I'm much more relaxed this time. When I had Skye 21 years ago, I was a teen mom and everythng was scary and uncertain for me. All I knew was that no matter what I had to work hard and stay motivated, so that I could provide for my baby girl. Now with my baby boy, I am much more at ease. I feel more confident. I have some financial freedom and I'm blessed to have more time to spend with my son at home.
And as much as things have changed over the last 21 years, there's one thing that I know for sure: both Skye and Antonio are my babies and they are my heart, my soul, my moon, my stars, my sun and my everything!
Did you give birth to babies several years apart? If so, I want to hear from you! Drop me a note in the comments section or tweet at me @PaulaGarces1!
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