Feeling sexyduring pregnancy is one of the hardest things a woman can go through with. That's why when I saw __Gwen Stefan__i's latest selfie on Twitter, I was blown away with how great she looked. The mom of two proved that you can embrace your sexy side all while being pregnant in her all black figure hugging attire, plus sexy stiletto boots.
It's not so often that you associate pregnancy with sexiness since most women are feeling down and out over morning sickness and other aches and pains. However, we've found some great ways for you to enjoy your pregnancy while feeling like the ultimate vixen.
Readmore ¿Qué más?: 7 ways to stay sexy & stylish while pregnant!
Celebrities such as the No Doubt singer are great influences for women who are pregnant and feel like they aren't at their sexiest stage in life. There's no shame in being with child and yes, you CAN be pregnant AND sexy despite the uncomfortable side effects. Just follow the tips below to get your groove back!
Have sex: Your man may have at one point said he'd never have sex with a pregnant woman, but it's a different story once it becomes a reality. Make sure to STILL have sex while preggo in order to remain in touch with your sensual side. And bonus if you're suffering from morning sickness: Having sex will make you feel much better!
Spa dates: One of the perks of being pregnant is that you can take advantage of this time to go out and have spa days. Make sure you are still getting your hair and nails done, massages, and even facials to make yourself feel better.
Exercise: This may be the last thing you want to do while pregnant, but exercising (consult with your physician first) can be a good way to release those endoprhins, make your delivery easier, and help you bounce back into shape post-pregnancy.
Be stylish: Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you have to dress frumpy. Play up your cute pancita and figure by trying out dresses and tops in different colors, cuts, and prints. There is also sexy lingerie for pregnant women out there! Strut that bump!
Go on date nights: You may get caught up in the excitement of the baby but don't neglect your hubby either. Keep the romance alive by having ocassional date nights by frequenting your favorite spots.
Images via Gwen Stefani/Twitter