You know what is super funny? Faking an entire pregnancy, from conception to birth. That is some hilarious stuff. Wait, no, it's not! Why would that be funny? I have no idea, but you can buy prank pregnancy items like positive pregnancy tests on ebay or if you want to fake an entire pregnancy there is even a website, FakeABaby.com, that has just about every item you could possibly need to do so. The website suggests reasons you might want to do it such as to "get more presents" on your birthday or because "people open doors for pregnant women" or to scare the absolute "B-Jesus out of your boyfriend / professor / cousin / brother in law"…wait, wait, wait just a second here! Let's examine this!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Woman in trouble for pregnancy lie after her fake baby bump falls out in front of everyone!
Now, I can see how maybe if you are a tiny bit on the crazy side, you may want to make your boyfirend think you are pregnant, but why would you want to make your professor, cousin, or brother in law think you are pregnant? Why would those people care unless you are sleeping with them? Weird.
No, really, I can see how having the ability to fake a pregnancy could really drive some dubious people to try and hoax people and not in a funny way. I mean, you can get ultrasound pictures, fake pregnancy tests, fake DNA tests, all personalized by the way, shipped anywhere in the world.
There is a disclaimer on the Fake A Baby website that says, "This item has the potential to be used irresponsibly." You think? And they do ask you to fill out something saying that you won't use the merchandise in ways that are "illegal, immoral, fraudulent or hurtful to others."
Man, I thought I knew funny, but apparently I don't because if this shit is funny, then I don't know shit.
Image via FakeABaby.com