¡Hola mujeres! This week I want to share a day in the life of baby Antonio Andres Hernandez! Como ustedes saben, I welcomed my baby boy two weeks ago and ever since then, I haven't been able to stop smiling. He's my love!
Being a mom is a demanding job. It requires our attention, our care, our love and equally important: a lot of our time! So I thought it would be fun to share a day in my life with Antonio with all of you (and, I'd love for you moms out there to share a day in YOUR life, with me. So, here goes: This is a day in the life of Paula Garces and my little man, Antonio Andres Hernandez.
Read more ¿Qué más? 5 Steps for a gorgeous baby bump! (EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS)
6 a.m: Today, Antonio and I got up bright and early. Antonio LOOKS at me with his big brown eyes, smiles, and then very quickly lets me know he's hungry! So what's on the menu? BOOBS (I breastfeed him every 3 hours)! I'm not going to lie: I'm a bit sleep deprived since I have to get up so early, but the good news is my boobs look fabulous these days! (I'm not kidding).
9 a.m: It's my hubby's turn to feed Antonio with a bottle of formula. My husband likes to feed him while listening to classical music. Isn't that cool?

Noon: Antonio and I have an appointment with his pediatrician, Dr. Fried. He weighs Antonio, takes his temperature, looks at his belly button and then gives the OK to give him his first bath. I'm so excited!!! (Sidenote: Antonio is doing well and he's even gained almost a pound! I told you, he likes my boobs!).
2 p.m: It's time for Antonio's first bath ever! I was so sexcited, so we put on light music. My hubby has the camera ready as well. I fill up his bathtub with warm water and a little bit of baby soap. Then I get his towel set ready. We get the baby in the tub (he loves it!). He's so cute! His eyes open wide and he loves it when I pour the water under his neck running down his belly.
2:30 p.m: After his bath, we dry him up with his new towel set, put baby lotion on him, comb his full set of jet black hair (that's right: Antonio is only two weeks old and has a FULL set of black hair that even Elvis himself would envy) and put him in a comfy onesie.
3:30 p.m: Baby antonio has some much needed feeding time with his titi and big cousin, Luca, who feed him some milk that I pumped. It's 3oz and it took me 45 minutes to pump, but I'm proud to be able to breastfeed my baby!
4:30 p.m: Nap time for mommy and baby!

7:30 p.m: Abuelita Victoria comes over to make me fresh squeezed juice and cooks a healthy meal for us so I can produce lots of milk. I breastfeed Antonio and we put him on his swing, while we listen to music.
8:30 p.m: Baby Antonio falls asleep for another three hours!
11:30 p.m: Antonio wakes up for another bottle. We change his diaper and dress him in a fresh pair of pajamas. We tell him how much we love him and then it's time for sleep again!
That's it! Hope you enjoyed hearing about our day!
Check back next week to read all about my weight loss goals and what I'm doing to get my figure back!
Don't forget to follow me on social media:
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Un beso,
Images via Antonio Hernandez