¡Hola Mamacitas!
I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant and I'm still waiting for my hijito to arrive! I've started feeling some contractions here and there (nothing too bad!) and I've packed my bags for the hospital. The nursery is also ready as I shared a few weeks ago!
And even though I have TERRIBLE lower back pain and I'm not sleeping well, for some strange reasons, I'm experiencing a sudden SURGE of energy. I've been getting up more, cleaning the house–my closets are now organized and the baby's room is nice and neat (this is called the Nesting period, of course, and some say it's a sign that labor is near). I hope so! I'm ready to meet my baby boy!
Read more ¿Qué más? 5 Tips for a stress-free & gorgeous nursery, like mine! (EXCLUSIVE PICTURES)
Anyhow, this new energy I have has made me want to get up and do things, so when my hubby Antonio suggested we take photos of my baby bump, I was SO down!! I want to share my baby bump portraits with all of my fellow mamis out there, as well as my tips for taking baby-bump portraits, in case any of you want to do it with your hubby, too!
I put together some tips and secrets to taking amazing baby bump photos:
Use your phone to take the photos! I used my Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which has a self-timer setting (so that you don't need a photographer) and different filters (so you can change from color to black and white). It also has different lighting exposures which made a BIG difference with my photos!

Make sure you're SUPER preggers! Make sure you are at LEAST 34 weeks pregnant so that you can show off your biggest belly! You can take photos of yourself or take pictures with your significant other (my hubby and I wanted to take at least one photo together and I think it came out cute. Don't you?). LOL!
It's up to you as far as who you can include in the photos. One thing I will say, though, is that it's SUPER important to set the right mood–the happier and more relaxed you are, the more beautiful you'll look in your photos. Antonio and I lit candles and played fun, soft music during the shoot. We also googled different poses and came up with some ourselves. One photo should definitely focus on your face and belly — and maybe you looking at it lovingly while caressing it.
Less is more. What should you wear during the photos shoot? The answer is … nada! The purpose of these photos is for you to remember your belly in its most beautiful state. These pictures aren't about how big or skinny you are — so let all of that go! Remember, a woman's pregnant body is beautiful–it's a miracle and a work of art. That said, if you are shy like I am and you feel a little better being a little covered up, you can use a white sheet, a vail, a white shirt or even a curtain! That's what I used–una cortina!
Get dolled up. When it comes to hair and makeup, a natural look works best in my opinion. For my belly bump pics, I wore no makeup and let my hair flow naturally. And I've gotta say — I LOVE my baby bump portraits! So my advice is to go as natural as possible when you take your photos. (Also, before you print your pictures, you can always experiment with different filters that really can erase any imperfections you might not like). Trust me: You'll be surprised at how beautiful your pregnant belly makes you look!
Chicas, let me know what you think of my photos. And if you've taken photos yourself, send them to me. I'd love to see them!
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Paula Garces
Images courtesy of Paula Garces
*Editors' note: This column was written right before Paula gave birth! Congrats to the proud mamá!