Although we should be teaching our kids to be grateful all year long, Thanksgiving is a great time to stress the importance of being appreciative of everything we've been blessed with. If you're raising bilingual kids, you can use the following bilingual books to help you explain the meaning of gratitude and why there's always something to be thankful for.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Bilingual bebés on board: 5 Bilingual board books to teach your little ones Spanish

I love this book because of its simplicity. A little boy lists all the things he's thankful for and you can use it to encourage your kids to do the same.
Gracias/Thanks — $16.16
Rubber Shoes: A Lesson in Gratitude/Los zapatos de goma: Una lección de gratitud

A story about a little girl who learns what it's like to be grateful for what you have because so many people aren't as lucky. I think it'll resonate with a lot of parents trying to teach their kids to be more appreciative of everything they have.
Rubber Shoes: A Lesson in Gratitude — $15.74
I'm Thankful Each Day/Doy gracias cada día

Teach your kids to be thankful by looking at the world around them. This book can help them understand we should be grateful for more than just material stuff.
Gracias te damos

Although this book is not bilingual, it is the Spanish version of a great book in English that salutes Mother Earth. Adapted for children by a chief of the Mohawk chief, it's a traditional "good morning message" delivered at the start of the day.
Gracias te damos — $5.95