Becoming a new mom is an exciting and rewarding experience, but the not-so-fun part is regaining your figure. Many moms like to try fast-acting diets to immediately go back to their pre-baby weight, but the truth is, there is more to it than that.
Not all of us are going to look like Kate Middleton or Shakira a few months after pushing a human out of a tiny hole. They are expected to look a certain way for special events, but we don't have the same rush to bounce back quickly. In fact it's much safer if you adhere to these rules as you drop the baby weight.
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1. You'll lose 10 pounds or more immediately after delivery because you'll be rid of the amniotic sac, blood, baby, plus the extra water weight.
2. You can get back to your pre-pregnancy weight in about six weeks if you're lucky, but most women can take up to six months to bounce back.
3. You can exercise a day after giving birth but only light exercises such as walking until you feel strong enough to do other workouts.
4. Your body will not look the same and the only way to tone it up is by focusing on building muscle.
5. It takes several weeks for the swollen uterus to return to the pelvis.
6. Your vagina might become bigger but should resume to its normal size in several weeks.
7. You need to eat more during breastfeeding to sustain the baby's health. But it can also help you burn more calories to lose weight.
8. You may get stretch marks if you don't keep your skin hydrated during your pregnancy.
9. You gain up to five pounds upon delivery due to water weight from IV–especially if you are having a C-section.
10. Your breasts will be filled with milk set for nursing and that alone can make you gain five pounds. With time you will drop this temporary weight gain.
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