5 Easy kid-friendly crafts for Thanksgiving

I think that helping your children develope an attitude of gratitude at a young age is a beautiful gift that will serve them for a lifetime. Gratitude is something that is cultivated. It grows when cared for and dies on the vine when ignored. This is the perfect time of the year to encourage your children to notice everything they have to be grateful for. Work on some great Thanksgiving gratitude crafts that will enliven your home and give you all visual reminders of gratitude in action.

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Here is a wonderful collection kid-friendly crafts for Thanksgiving. Oh and while you are getting your kids to be grateful make sure you take the time to notice all the good in your life.

Thankful Hands Book


I love this idea of a thankful hand book. Imagine making one of these every year with your kids and giving them the collection when they are grown ups.

Thankful Hands Tree


This thankful hands tree project is great for a family because everyone can have a hand in being thankful and you can display it out where everyone can see it.

Thankful Leaves


This thankful tree with grateful leaves is so lovely, it would make a lovely table centerpiece.

Thankful Feathers


How adorable are these pine cone turkeys? And their boastful feathers are full of gratitude.

Thankful Stuffing


This clever re-use of a tissue box lets you stuff a turkey full of things that you are grateful for and then read them at Thanksgiving dinner.