If you want your kids to speak Spanish, you should be reading to them all the time__.__ Some people think they have to wait for kids to be older, so they can understand what's been read to them, but that's not true. You can start reading to your baby in the womb! The best option for the littlest ones are board books they can drool on and chew. While I'd like to say there's an abundance of bilingual board books out there, such is not the case.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Bilingual bebés on board: Fun ways to teach your kids basic Spanish
But there are several that are really good and that I'd like to recommend to you. Check them out and let us know if you have any others to add to our list.
Higher! Higher! ¡Más alto! ¡Más alto!

One in a series of books written by Leslie Patricelli that you can use to teach your children basic vocabulary words. This one is about a little girl who asks her dad to swing her higher and higher and all the things she sees the higher she goes. The illustrations are colorful and catchy.
My Colors, My World/Mis colores, Mi mundo

I love everything done by author/illustrator Maya Christina Gonzalez and this is no exception. Teach your kids their colors in both languages using this beautifully illustrated board book with bold and vibrant images they will love.
La oruga muy hambrienta

Eric Carle's classic children's book is available in a bilingual format. My son is 4 years old and this continues to be one of his favorite board books! So many opportunites to teach your kids new vocabulary words in Spanish!
La oruga muy hambrienta — $9.39
Sea Animals and Jungle Animals/Animales del mar y Animales de la selva

This set of two board books will teach your kids the names of all kinds of sea and jungle animasl. What my kids like the best about these are the wacky illustrations.
Sea Animals and Jungle Animals/Animales del mar y Animales de la selva — $14.96
Hello, Círculos! Shapes in English & Spanish

Last but definitely not least, any of the bilingual board books in the Arte Kids series. Created to teach kids basic concepts like numbers, colors and shapes (as is the case in the one featured here) using artwork found in the San Antonio Museum of Art. How clever is that?
Hello, Círculos! — $6.36