8 of the most offensive Halloween costumes of all time

Even though Halloween has passed, certain costumes are still making headlines. Not because they were unforgettable and creative, but because they were offensive and in bad taste. If they intended to scare and piss off people, these Halloweeners did just that and not even in a funny way.

You've probably even heard of some of these in the recent week and if you haven't … well prepare yourself, they're not in the least bit cute.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman costumes for Halloween will NEVER be OK

It makes you wonder what these people were possibly thinking stepping out in these getups. Some of these offenders are actually children, which leaves us baffled that their parents would allow such attire.

Take a look for yourselfin the gallery below and then let us know which you find to be the MOST offensive.

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Anna Rexia


It's bad enough that women are insecure about their bodies as is, but do we really need an eating disorder rubbed in our faces? Anna Rexia goes down as one of the worst costumes for a woman to wear.

Casey Anthony


The Casey Anthony case was a big deal after the mom was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee despite having lied to police about her disappearance. Someone thought creating a $25,000 Casey Anthony mask for Halloween was a clever idea, but not many people were left laughing.

Asiana Airlines Pilot


An Asiana Airlines plane flying passengers into San Francisco crashed killed 3 people and injured dozens in July. Shortly after, a TV newscast botched the names of the pilots by making them appear racist and ignorant. Of course some idiots thought it would be just as funny to dress up as them.

Jamaica Bob Sled Team


If you've watched the movie Cool Runnings then you know it's about a Jamaican bob sled team. However this caused controversy when three high school staff members wore blackface to represent just that. Needless to say many people were not happy and the teachers were suspended.

Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman


Just when you thought people couldn't get more disrespectful, Caitlin Cimeno posted pictures of her friends dressed as Trayvon Martin (blackface included) and George Zimmerman. Their Halloween costumes caused so much controversy that she was fired from her job for her racist antics.

Boston Marathon Bombing Victim


The Boston Marathon bombing was one of the most horrific events our nation has seen. Three people were killed and more than 200 left terribly injured. So why would Alicia Ann Lynch think it's a good idea to make light of something so tragic?! Needless to say the responses she got for her costume were NOT pretty.

Ku Klux Klan


A Virginia mom defended dressing her son as a Ku Klux Klan member for Halloween and said it was part of "family tradition." What kind of family tradition is THAT!? As a result the mom received threats online about her son's costume. Next time, mom, it would be safer if he went as a Ninja Turtle.

Orange is the New Black costume


Actress Julianne Hough caused controversy after she donned an Orange is the New Black costume for Halloween. The problem was that she went as the character "Crazy Eyes" and wore blackface to represent her. She received backlash for the costume and found herself having to make a public apology.