Nothing melts a parent's heart faster than an "I love you" from their kids. So just imagine how one dad must have felt when he received the world's cutest birthday message from his 2-year-old daughter Alexandria Sofia, also known as "The Chech."
In a video entitled "The Chech's Birthday Message for Papi," Alexandria wishes her dad a happy birthday and then goes on to list all of the activities she enjoys with him–like giving each other hugs and kisses, and eating and watching sports together. The whole thing is so darn adorable, it's pretty much guaranteed to turn everyone who sees it into a pile of gooey mush.
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The video came about with a little help from Alexandria's mom, Amanda Martin. "I sat this little munchkin in a chair, and talked to her for about an hour about why she loved her Papi," she told BuzzFeed. The results? Pure cuteness overload.
"Thank you for being my papi. You are the best papi ever," Alexandria starts off saying. She then goes on to recite the reasons he's earned this title, citing things like "You give me arepitas" and "You have the best besitos ever!" Oh. My. God. Is this the cutest girl ever or what? I can practically feel my ovaries kicking into overdrive watching this video.
Alexandria and her papi also share a love of sports teams from Florida and Colombia, which she lists before ending her message by singing Happy Birthday.
Needless to say, Martin says her dad was close to tears after watching the message and has re-watched it hundreds of times! I can't say I blame him. After all, if the video was sweet enough to capture the hearts of people around the world, I can only imagine how blown away her own dad must have been by it.
Watch it for yourself below:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3QrJ8SjHWk#t=56
Image via YouTube