A British woman recently broke a record in Spain by giving birth to the biggest baby ever to be born naturally in the country.
Maxime Marin's daughter, Maria Lorena, was born on Wednesday at an astonishing 13 pounds, 11 ounces—about twice the weight of an average newborn! Jeez, that's one big baby!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Mom gives birth to record-breaking 13 pound baby, deserves a round of applause (VIDEO)
According to Marin Salud hospital, the baby was born in "perfect health" despite her larger size and the birth was "ucomplicated." In fact, Marin didn't even get an epidural! Say what?! So not only was this woman able to tolerate a vaginal birth for a baby that big, but one without any pain-killing drugs? She must be part superhero!
Oh, and as if this wasn't crazy enough, this is Marin's and her Colombian hubby's fourth child…and the other three were also all large at birth, weighing at least 9 pounds, 4 ounces! OK, seriously, I think she deserves a worldwide standing ovation.
But Marin isn't the only brave mommy to welcome a larger-than-life baby. Below, check out a picture of her new daughter, Maria, and other record-breaking babies:
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Maria Lorena

At more than 13 pounds, Maria Lorena Marin is the biggest baby ever born naturally in Spain.
Addyson Gale Cessna

Addyson Gale Cessna set a record at a local Pennsylvania hospital, when she weighed in at an astonishing 13 pounds and 12 ounces after birth!
Chun Chun

Born at 15.5-pounds in February of last year, Chun Chun set the record for the heaviest baby ever born in China.
George King

George King is one of the largest babies EVER born in England, weighing an astounding 15lbs 7oz at birth.

Baby Jasleen became the biggest baby to ever be born in Germany, when she was welcomed into the world last month at 13 pounds, 4 ounces.