We all know that teenagers have certain, err, habits that–while totally normal–are not necessarily pleasant for the rest of the family. Case in point? One set of parents apparently became so fed up with their 13-year-old son's constant masturbating that they finally decided to address it with this hilariously awkward warning note.
"Please stop masturbating on the towels!" the letter, typed out in all capital letters, reads. "Clean up with a tissue or in the sink with soap and water!"
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The note goes on to say this is the boy's "final warning" and that if he doesn't change his ways, the bathroom "will have Justin Bieber towels and My Little Pony décor." Haha! Wow, these parents certainly mean business.
But just in case their letter of admonishment wasn't shaming enough for the teen, one of the parents actually decided to take their little situation online by uploading a picture of the note to Imgur. Needless to say, the photo has quickly gone viral and gained tons of comments, both praising and criticizing the mom and dad for their actions.
I gotta say, while I don't blame those parents for urging the kid to clean up his act (literally), posting it for the whole Internet to see seems a little excessive. Still, they're hardly the only ones who have had a kinda mean, but mostly funny letter to their kids find its way onto the web. Below, check out some more hilarious notes written by parents:
Image via Imgur
WiFi vs. Chores

No chores? No Internet!
Clean Kitchen

Yikes! This mom is serious. Note to kids: never mess with a clean kitchen.
Missed curfew

I guess that curfew wasn't a suggestion.
Not your slave

The print underneath the capital letters reads "Pick up your dirty socks and put them in the hamper."
No snacks

Love is the strongest fuel there is … err, right?

Sometimes, moms just need a little help. Hey, no one can do it ALL.