Although some may not agree, for me, being bilingual does not mean simply speaking two languages. To be truly bilingual, one has to speak, read and write well in both languages. As a journalist and mother of two children I'm raising bilingual, it's extremely important that they not only speak my native language, but that they're also literate in Spanish.
But how to do this if you live in the United States surrounded by English everywhere? Here are some ideas that might help.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Bilingual bebés on board: 6 books in Spanish your kids should have
The best way to get your children to fully master both languages is through immersion programs in schools. I am convinced that this works because I'm bilingual thanks to this teaching method. Unfortunately, it still not as popular as it should be, but the trend is catching on nationally and I'm sure this is only the beginning.
If this option does not exist in your area, look for cultural and language schools. These usually take place once a month on the weekends. These programs attract parents who want their children to maintain their culture and heritage through exposure to more than just their mother tongue. They are popular and beneficial and, not to mention, super fun for kids.
The final option is to hire a private tutor. If you're worried about the cost–private instruction is always more expensive than in a group setting–put together a small group of children of the same age whose parents are also interested in raising them bilingual and share the cost.
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