Growing up, there were so many things my mamá used to say to me that I swore I'd never EVER say to my future kids. I found them stupid and completely unnecessary. And then, of course, I had children.
At first, all was okay. They were little and I felt I could handle it all without resorting to the inane sayings that I hated so much. But as they started growing up and I realized they have a mind of their own, I've been left with no other choice than to sound just like my mother. Now, I can totally get why she used to say: ¡Espérate a que tengas hijos!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 3 Things you should NEVER say to people who don't have kids
Money doesn't grow on trees. A classic! Oh, how I hated this one! I mean, couldn't she just say she didn't have the money to buy me yet another toy? Well, now that I say to my own kids, I must say it's the visual part of the phrase that makes it so perfect!
No hagas muecas o viene un viento y te vas a quedar así. This is what my mom used to say whenever I made silly faces. Something about the wind changing and causing me to stay cross-eyed or whatever face I was making forever. What? Crazy, I know, but now I say it to my daughter all the time.
You better finish all your food; there are millions of starving kids in Africa. While it's true that there are millions of starving kids around the world, one thing has really nothing to do with the other. Even so, I guess it's a phrase that was so ingrained in my head, that
Espérate a que llegue tu papá. Or wait til your dad gets home. Of all of these phrases, this is the one I hate repeating the most. It's just so not fair to my husband, but I use it because it works.
Wait until you have kids. What can I say? She was totally right about this one. I haven't said it to my kids yet, but I can totally see myself doing it.
Porque sí/Porque no/Porque yo digo. Because I said so, that's why. End of conversation. The only way to get my son to stop asking why.
As long as you live under my roof… I haven't used this one just yet, either. But it's a powerful one and I know I will end up using it at some point.
Vas a ver cuando lleguemos a la casa. Wait til we get home! Oh, this is one I've used and abused many times. I've got the face to go with it too and I say it under my breath, but by now they know I mean business.
I'm not your maid. My mom didn't use this one too much when were little because we actually had maids. But once we moved to the States, it's a phrase she'd repeat all the time. And now I find myself using it with my kids too because it's so true! I refuse to have them think that mom is synonymous of maid.
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