If most moms had it their way, their kids would remain pure until marriage. However, there is one mom SELLING her awkward college bound son's virginity for a price. The Philadelphia mother posted an ad in the "casual encounters" section on Craigslist where she asks for any cute girls under the age of 19 to take her 18-year-old son's virginity in exchange for paid off financial debt and a car of her choice.
What makes the posting titled "Sugar Baby for my Son" even more shocking is that she has a detailed master plan too!
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Yes, I know what you're thinking, this mom is out of her mind! Obviously this mother's request has raised some eyebrows. She explains that her smarty-pants son (who is attending Harvard in the fall) is a fit and handsome boy on his school's cross county team, but is shy and has never had a girlfriend. Therefore, she wants a girl about his age to make a man out of him and as she puts it: "turn him from high school nerd to cool college kid".
This all sounds bad enough as is, but she explains in the posting that she has a scheming plan to make the deed happen. She says that the girl who takes up the offer will receive concert tickets where she will "meet" said woman's son and then pick him up. She doesn't fail to leave out that after the concert she wants the girl to seduce him and take his virginity.
The catch is this isn't a one-time deal. She adds that she wants the girl to continue a sexual relationship with him throughout the summer in order for him to be confident with girls in college. The seductress is expected to dump him gently, and in return any debt she has will be paid off and she will get a car of her choice. As it turns out either her son caught on or Craiglist received many complaints because the posting has since been flagged for removal.
This is one of the most bizarre cases I've ever heard of overbearing mothers. This mom shamelessly tries to auction off her son's virginity because she doesn't want him to be a loser in college?! It's sad to think that she values his sex life that much that she felt a need to meddle. Lady, your son got into Harvard! That's a dream come true for most parents. I understand that maybe she wants him to break out his shell with dating, but that will happen when he's ready. Sorry to break your heart mom, but looks like your son is going off to college a virgin!
Image via Thinkstock