Am I really seeing what I think I'm seeing? No seriously, I just saw a picture of an obviously and admittedly pregnant Kim Zolciak of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, smoking like a chimney. Apparently she thinks her celebutard status makes her still-developing fetus immune to such things as still birth, pre-term labor and low birthweight.
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Nevermind that smoking is a disgusting and dangerous habit whether you are with child or not. And anyone who has been pregnant or known any friend or family member that has been pregnant has heard the same thing at least once or twice before. Zolciak is pregnant with her FIFTH child–there is no way she can claim ignorance, and yet here she is lighting up right out in the open for the whole world to see.
Not only is she endangering her own baby, but she is making it appear acceptable to a public audience. Teenagers, who may one day become mothers, watch her show. Pregnant women who are having a hard time kicking the habit surely watch her show. I'm not saying she needs to be a model of perfect pregnant behavior just because she is a public figure–no one is perfect–but to blatantly engage in such a dangerous act is just irresponsible both to her unborn baby and to her fans.
I actually think KIm is kind of entertaining and I would absolutely hate to see anything happen to her baby because she wasn't willing to kick an awful habit. I urge her to get some help–it's much better for your little one to be tardy to the party than to arrive way too early. And if she really needs a stress-reliever, I'd suggest some pre-natal yoga or to at least wait until her third trimester and have a couple ounces of red wine–at least that one is still up in the air.
Images via Splash news, DailyMail.co.uk