Dad’s awesome skills result in cutest baby album we’ve ever seen (PHOTOS)

Most parents love documenting their kids' lives through pictures, but one photographer dad recently put his skills to use and created in one of the cutest and funniest family photo album I've ever seen.

Emil Nystrom and his partner, Isabelle, wanted to find a unique way to store snapshots of their 1-year-old daughter, Signhild. So he decided to get creative.

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With the help of Photoshop, Nystrom took ordinary images of the little girl (some of which were taken before she could crawl or even hold her head up) and altered them to depict her carrying out activities far beyond her years–like baking, painting a wall, and fixing a car. In two of the even more adorably hilarious snapshots, he also made her seem as if she was flying and doing a cannonball into her mother's bath. Haha, how awesome is that?!

Apparently, Nystrom first came up with the idea after getting inspired by some funny Swedish commercials he had seen on TV. Now, he and Isabelle are expecting another child, which the couple says could lead to more creative photography!

Personally, I absolutely love Nystrom's approach of documenting his daughter's childhood.  It's so creative and fun, not to mention totally one-of-a-kind. Plus, if he does the same thing with his second child, it could become a cool family tradition. Who knows? Maybe when Singhild grows up, she'll even do the same thing with her kids!

In the meantime though, check out more of Nystrom's amazing photos of his daughter here!

Images via Emil Nystrom