You have no idea how many baby products are on the market until you have a baby or are about to have a baby. It's CAH-RAZY. There is a product for everything and some of them are totally useful, but others just leave me saying, HUH?! Like The Babykeeper Basic, which is designed so that you can hang your baby on a wall or door.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 5 Of the most ridiculous & useless baby products coming in 2013
Why would you want to do that? Well, let's say you are shopping and you have to go pee. Where, oh where, do you put your baby? I'm not joking, it's not easy to pee in a public restroom with a baby. They will want to lick the floors and drink out of the toilet and that is just gross. Babies can be really gross and it is your job as a loving parent to stop them.
Enter the Babykeeper Basic it is kind of sort of like a baby carrier, but not really. It's more like a baby hanger. You can buy it for about $39.99 and take it with you wherever you go. It is designed for children 6 to 18 months who can hold up their heads. They don't have to be able to hold up their bodies because that is what The Babykeeper Basic will do.
Now when you are in a public restroom or trying on clothes in a dressing room and you don't want to lay your precious tot on the floor you hang this handy dandy contraption on a door or stall wall and tada baby is out of harms way and you can do your business in peace.
Personally, I don't see the need for this piece of equipment. Maybe if it were a baby carrier that transformed into a baby hanger, but even then, how do I know if the walls or doors at any given place are actually built to hold up a baby? Shoot, I could just bring duct tape and tape my kid to the wall.
I like this video with Ellen's take on the ridiculous product.
Image via Mommysentials