It's a dilemma every parent has faced–your kid keeps coming home with adorable drawings and you want to save them, but your fridge is already too cluttered and you just have no other space. Don't worry, you don't have to throw them away!
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If you can't bear to get rid of your children's "masterpieces" (and who can? My own mother still has some of my now 20-year-old drawings!), then don't! Instead try thinking outside the box for fun ways to save or display them.
Need some inspiration? Check out these 6 adorable and creative ways to preserve your kids artwork:
Make an art wall

String some of your favorite drawings together and hang them in their bedroom or on some other wall as a fun display!
Frame it

Pick some of your favorites and treat it like an actual masterpiece by framing it and hanging it on the wall. I guarantee it'll make you smile everytime you see it and I'm sure your kids will be so happy that you appreciate their work.
Turn it into a postage stamp

Companies like pictureitpostage.com actually allow you to upload your kid's drawings and turn it into these super cute and unique postage stamps! They act as any other regular stamp, but you can be sure no other envelopes will be decorated quite the same way! And they're especially perfect when you're sending a card to grandparents or relatives that live further away.
Make a scrapbook

If you don't have space to hang up their artwork, save them in scrapbooks or photo albums to look back on later. Make it even more personal by writing in funny captions or adding the year and age your children were when they drew it.
Turn it into jewelry!

If you're looking to get yourself or another mom a one-of-a-kindpresent, this is such a cute option! Take a beloved drawing from your child, upload it to a site like Kidz Can Design.com and turn it into a pendant that can be worn close to your heart or other jewelry. Though it's pricey, it's a once-in-a-lifetime memento that is perfect for a special occasion and that will be kept forever.
Make a memory box

Perhaps the easiest but the most heartfelt way to keep is your kid's art is to store them in a "memory box" to give to them when they're older. My mom has one of these for both my sister and I and every few years, we pull it out and look through it. Seeing all those old drawings, photos, essays, and report cards always leaves us in tears! When your kids are older, it'll be something for you to bond over and they will definitely appreciate this heartwarming gesture.