Once when I was a kid, I bought my mother this awesome chocolate gift that spelled out "M-O-M" in chocolate for Mother's Day. I bought it from another kid that was selling them door-to-door. Now, I thought this was a super gift and I spent what seemed like a bundle on it at the time: $5. Never mind that my mother had given me the $5.
I couldn't wait to give the gift to my mother. Finally, when I gave it to her, I was shocked that she didn't immediately tear into it and devour my chocolate homage to her. She thanked me and left it in the box, so I did what any sugar-addicted child would do. I ate it.
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Later when she came looking for it, I had to tell her that I ate her gift. That was probably the worst Mother's Day gift-giving I have ever done. No doubt now that I am a mother, I will end up with some pretty awful gifts myself. It's fine, they make for good stories, but I thought I would put together a list of 5 terrible gifts for Mother's Day so that you or your loved ones don't make the mistake of giving them to a mother you care about.
Vacuum nose and facial hair trimmer

As useful as this gift is, no mother wants to be told that she is a hairy beast. Panasonic ER430K Vacuum Nose/Facial Hair Trimmer ($30)
Waistband stretcher

Has mom put on a few pounds? Please don't point it out by giving her a waistband stretcher. Waistband Stretcher ($30)

Maybe your mom talks a little to much or quite frankly doesn't know when to keep her opinions to herself. That is still no reason to give her a gag even as a gag. Ball Gag w/collar ($23.39)
Instant face lift

Has you mother's face seen better days? What ever you do, do not give her something that points out that she is not aging well. Instant Face, Neck and Eye Lift Tapes ($20)
Emergency bra

We are living in what can seem like very scary times and it is a good idea to plan for emergencies, but giving your mother a bra that can double as a gas mask is probably not the best way to celebrate her on Mother's Day. Emergency Bra ($50)