Celine Dion sees nothing wrong with her toddler son’s high heel obsession

Celine Dion is a lover of shoes.__ She has somewhere around 3,000 pairs. I guess after a certain point you just stop counting. Now, I know many women love shoes, but Celine is committed to her obsession. So much so that if she finds a pair of shoes that she likes, it really doesn't matter if they are available in her size or not. She joked about her obsession with Katie Couric:

I go to the store, and I'm like, 'I really like those ones,' and they're like, 'What size?' And I'm like, 'Oh no, you don't understand. I want them, so what size do you have? I'll make it work, baby. I'll make it work!' From 5 to 10, it works!

Whatevs, I'm not going to judge, if the woman likes shoes then let her buy shoes. She works hard for her money and spending it on shoes helps the economy, right?

Read more in ¿Qué más?: How to take care of your high heels so they will last forever!

Now, I have to admit to you that I have never been much of a Celine Dion fan. Of course, I acknowledge she has talent and then some. Her music just doesn't speak to me, it doesn't do it for me, but I'll tell you what.. after watching her interview (video below) I became a fan of Celine Dion the mother.

Ms. Dion busted out bragging about her 2-year-old son Nelson's ability to walk in heels. It seems Nelson has inherited his mother's love of shoes and does an even better job of walking in heels that aren't his size than his mother does. "One of my sons, Nelson, is 2 1/2, and he walks better in heels than me! I don't know how he does it, but I'm not the only one in the family who loves shoes," Celine told Couric.

Now any mother who is not only unfazed about her male son parading around in heels, but is actually proud of his abilities is a rockin' mom as far as I'm concerned.

Check out the clip below, if only to see the adorable picture of Celine's son Nelson in heels at the end. Soooo cute!

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